babyKNITS! the second, part two

The second hat is finished. Clearly meant for a very hip, rocker baby. 
I had to shove a grapefruit in it to get it the proper shape for photos. 
Note to self: a mid-sized grapefruit is about the size of a newborn's head.

One thing I will say about knitting for newborns—I don't have a baby, nor am I around babies, so I really have to put the brain to the math when it comes to figuring out how to size everything. Hats are no big deal; I can do that fairly easily. But up next is a diaper cover and I'm a little wary. I could use someone else's pattern, but the whole point of this project was to come up with my own patterns so that I could fairly and legally sell the finished KNITS! once I was done. I can pretty much look up the size of a baby's waist, but from waist down to legs, and around legs... well, we'll see I guess. 



  1. No matter how modern the world gets, families with new born babies knit caps, clothes and shoes for their children, but it is also available online for family's ease.
