Dracula's collar is finished. I've set it atop my basket of yarn in order to demonstrate the nice pictures my new camera takes. Prefelted, it seems a little small, but once felted it stretched and fit perfectly to Dracula.

I'm using the white ribbon again in order to give the cape that suave, Dracula lilt. Fingers crossed that it dries this perfectly.
The double knitting went very well. Towards the end I started getting a little frustrated as I had to graft the sides closed in order to give each side a uniform look. Another first: kitchener stitch. Not so complicated once you get the hang of it, but ever so complicated if you've never done it before.

I think the two sides came out looking rather nice. I'd write more, but I'm exhausted. Next step, writing up the pattern.
I’m so proud of my little djudgie!