Stashbusting Frenzy

The title says it all. I went to VKL and bought yarns... oh, did I buy yarns. Not too many, mind you, but enough to make me go home and cast on a billion projects to try to cut through the Stash that is eating away at my life.
My other concern about this Stash (heretofore unmentioned) is the fact that it's sort of just out in the open on shelves and in baskets and whathaveyou. I've thrown lavender sachets into everything (holy stockings, Batman! A good use for holey stockings!...I stuff them with lavender and tie 'em off), but I'm still worried about buggies eating my fiber. I haven't had any problems yet, and my house actually happens to be stocked with all kinds of bugs that eat offensive bugs (spiders and those million-legged things are your friends, knitters), but I still feel (a) exposed and (b) too lazy to bag everything up. Besides, I'd probably have to invest in Ziploc if I really wanted to bag up everything.

So here goes...

A balaclava for The Doo when he goes biking in this vomitously cold weather (yeah, I turned vomit into an adverb). It's from the pattern Antifreeze, from an old issue of Knitty. I didn't make it quite so face suffocating—basically left off the crochet bit at the end. This yarn is from my first trip to Montreal... it's probably 4 or 5 years old. Bye bye Berroco! I still have some left, and may make some gloves for him, or fingerless mitts for me, or both (if I can). 2.25 skeins down, 3.75 skeins to go.

This is a hat for my friend Lauren, from the wildly, eternally popular Star Crossed Slouchy Beret pattern. I've made at least 3 of these—it's a good go-to hat pattern. And this Noro yarn has been sitting in my stash for approximately 3 years. 

And last but not least, this is some Lorna's Laces Green Line Worsted that has been in my stash since, oh... 2009? I mean, the yarn is discontinued, ferchrissakes. It's time to GO. I initially bought it without really knowing how these variegated yarns knit up, then once I saw the end result, I decided I didn't really like it that much. When color variation is drastically different, I think it looks silly on an adult. This is totally just my opinion, but it looks childish to me. And not in a cute, endearing way. In a desperate, oh-god-that's-a-sweater? way. Ok for socks, not ok for much else. 
Fortunately, a friend of mine is having a baby girl, and I think it would make a really pretty Baby Surprise Jacket, and that's what it will be. The Baby Surprise Jacket is especially forgiving and complementary with these kinds of variegated yarns. You can see what I mean here. They're actually made for each other. 

That's all the blogging for today. Must. knit. through. STASH.

OH, and I have a pattern coming soonish. Free. When I get a second.


  1. Knitting is my favourite thing to do in summers. I am liking the choice of colours you are using. I mostly do socks, have yet to try sweaters. Share pictures once you are done with that baby's jacket :)
