I can dream...

I am in absentia here, I know. I know! Oh, how I know it. I had a successful job meeting this week that was very exciting but will mean less time for my personal work, but honestly, it's so exciting and awesome that I don't even care. And if the four of you miss me, well, maybe you'll give a shout-out so I know you're actually there and I'll pop back in to blow a kiss and wave hello.

I'm working on babyKNITS right now for Whitney Mara photography, which is nice and relaxing and fun because it is also quick, quickquickquick to knit things for newborns. Perfect Oscars knitting, if you ask me.
I don't have much time to be here, as I have many cargo articles to write and edit, must finish these newborn knits before the newborn is newly born, and I also have some new yarns to play around with that were gathered from said job meeting, to be used for possible accessories designed my yours truly.

My life is exceptionally good right now, if not extraordinarily busy.

But I dream about finishing my first pair of socks, my dad's Bauhaus blanket, a lacy bamboo tank I started last summer; I dream about starting my mother's alpaca sweater, her small vintage capelet, and a number of items for myself.
So in the spirit of dreaming and Friday and the weekend is here! (which, for someone who works from home, doesn't really exist anymore because you work all the time, anytime), I'm listing a few projects I would love to start, but obviously can't.

sweater full
© Cecily Glowik MacDonald
I have a really beautiful, incredibly expensive cashmere blend from VKL that I'm dying to use for the Goodale Cardigan by CGM. It's called Kitten and I drooled over it here.

© Connie Chang Chinchio

If you didn't know, I've been dying to make the Geodesic Cardigan for at least a year now.

And then there's the Lanesplitter skirt. Le sigh. I purchased the yarn for you many moons ago, and if I had you right now, I'd be wearing you all the time because the weather is perfect. But alas, there are not enough hours in the day.

Ah well. Someday.

Of course, this is only three out of a possible 831 favorited pieces I have on ravelry. I will die knitting all these things, and probably only get to wear them once.

Ok, gotta get back to editing.

Happy Friday!



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